Are Medical Marijuana Prerolls Right for You? | Arbors Wellness
734.929.2602 // 321 E. Liberty Street
Arbors Wellness
Arbors Wellness

Are Medical Marijuana Prerolls Right for You?

Arbors Wellness Seal

While there are many methods of smoking medical marijuana that have their own particular benefits, traditionally the most popular approach is the preroll. Perhaps you’ve heard of this term before; maybe you have been confused by the nomenclature:

A preroll is simply ground cannabis rolled cylindrically with rice or hemp paper that often includes a cardboard tip for ease of use and comfort. Once referred to as a marijuana cigarette or joint, the term “preroll” gets its name from the fact that the cannabis has been previously rolled and is ready to be smoked immediately.

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Cooking with Medical Marijuana

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Home Baked Brownies

Although many people associate medical marijuana with smoking, a large portion of patients prefer eating or drinking cannabis infused products, commonly called edibles. Due to the fact that the medicines produced by marijuana are easily extracted with fats and oils, most of these edibles include butter, coconut oil, peanut oil, or other common baking fats. While it is relatively easy to produce potent brownies or cookies, it is difficult to accurately dose these baked goods.

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Is Medical Marijuana Safe for Pets?

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Dog on Leash at Park

There are two ways your pets may encounter cannabis, often called medical marijuana: either you are intentionally using the medication to help your pet, or your pet has accidentally eaten some of your medication. In both cases, your pet will be caught off guard by the effects of the medicine. Therefore, it is very important to understand how cannabis will likely affect the animal.

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Are Medical Marijuana Edibles Right for You?

Arbors Wellness Seal

Medical Marijuna Gummies

There is more to medical marijuana than just smoking or vaporizing. For those patients that do not wish to inhale smoke in order to medicate, there are marijuana edibles: food or drink items that have been medicated with cannabis. Through lab testing, Arbors Wellness and other experts are able to determine the potency of an edible, making it easier for a patient to properly dose. Potency can range from low to high dose, making marijuana edibles effective for treatment of pain from minor aches to more long-term chronic ailments.

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Arbors Wellness Has a New Website

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Arbors Wellness Store Front

Arbors Wellness Has a New Website:

Ann Arbor, Michigan’s leading medical marijuana provisioning center Arbors Wellness has launched a new website to educate people about cannabis. is an online destination for Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) cardholders to learn more about the Ann Arbor provisioning center, its current menu, weekly specials, and more.

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