FAQ | Medical Marijuana FAQ | Arbors Wellness
734.929.2602 // 321 E. Liberty Street
Arbors Wellness
Arbors Wellness


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Arbors Wellness

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Arbors Wellness located?
Do you sell marijuana seeds or clones to patients?
Are your products tested?
How do I get my Michigan Medical Marijuana Card?
Do you have physicians in house to complete my medical marijuana application?
Do you accept out of state medical marijuana cards? (Ex: California/Colorado)
Can you mail or deliver marijuana?
What products do you offer? Do you have non-smoking forms of cannabis?
Do you accept temporary paperwork for medical cards?


Michigan’s cannabis laws are complex and often changing. Although counties and cities may have different regulations, the state has produced several pieces of legislation that pertain to all of us.

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To become a patient or caregiver, renew your cards, or change your registry information, you will need to fill out forms provided by Michigan’s LARA. There is even a form for a reduced application fee.

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Card Renewals

Is your card about to expire? Apply for a card renewal beforehand to continue medicating legally. This process is very similar to your original card application, but it is very necessary to protect yourself while carrying and consuming cannabis safely.

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